Porter Twp Bldg

A community Christmas Program "CASTING CALL" will be held Saturday December 14th at 2:00PM and again at 6:00PM at the Porter Township community building 216 Spring Run Road sponsored by the Nittany / Sugar Valley United Methodist Church.

Porter Public LIBRARY has scheduled a CRAFT CLASS at the Library November 19th, 6:00PM – 8:00PM. There is a $5.00 fee. Register for the class by calling 570-726-6240.

Library hours are Tuesdays 9:00AM – 11:00AM For more information call Jane 570-660-8007

   The monthly Supervisors meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00PM

The Zoning Planning Board meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.

The Farmers Breakfast hosted by PTAC Porter Twp Activity Committee and will begin a new season in October 2024. Breakfast will not be  held until  Saturday October 5th from 7AM -10AM. at the Community Building 216 Spring Run Road Mill Hall. The community breakfast events are offered October through April.  For more information call Sharon 570-726-6271.

The Memory Brick project at the Recreation Park is always accepting orders by e-mailing form and payment to the office or regular mail. If you have questions call 570-726-6733 (Details and photos found on the park tab)